How Many Missions are Completed by NASA So Far?

NASA has completed over 200 missions since its inception in 1958. These missions include a diverse array of objectives, from human spaceflight and lunar exploration to deep space probes and Earth observation satellites. Key achievements include the Apollo moon landings, the Mars Rover missions, and the Hubble Space Telescope.

NASA’s missions can be broadly categorized into human spaceflight, robotic exploration, and scientific research. The Apollo missions, for instance, were monumental in sending humans to the moon, with Apollo 11 being the first successful landing in 1969. The Space Shuttle program, which ran from 1981 to 2011, completed 135 missions, significantly advancing human space travel capabilities.

Robotic missions have also been significant. Mars exploration has seen successful missions such as the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance. The Voyager probes, launched in 1977, have provided unprecedented data from the outer planets and interstellar space.

Scientific missions have included Earth observation satellites like Landsat and weather satellites, which have been crucial in monitoring and understanding our planet’s climate and weather patterns. The Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, continues to provide valuable astronomical data, complemented by newer observatories like the James Webb Space Telescope.

For detailed lists and specific missions, you can refer to NASA’s completed missions page and other resources.

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Source: Wikipedia

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